
How to Use your Inner Circle

Who do you know that knows that you speak?

There is a famous saying "It is not who you know but who knows you!" This is so true. Take a look at who you know and also at others at your place of business, or clients that you have worked with or contacted in the past. Do they know who you are? Are they aware of what you do to promote yourself or your business? This is all part of networking and forming business relationships. You need to make sure they remember you, even if they do not buy from you. Make them a part of your inner circle. Each of these people also has an inner circle - they will tell their friends and so on. I remember a hair shampoo commercial a number of years ago that went: "Tell two friends, who will tell two friends, and so on, and so on ?" The image on the screen showed the talking heads multiplying on the television screen. Not only did you get the buzz from the ad, it also encouraged you to pass it along.

You need to use your inner circle. You should list everyone you know (it will likely total well over 100 people). You should then make plans to inform every single one of them of what you are doing and why. Encourage them to tell all their friends (in the case of the shampoo ad, they only need to tell two, who should tell two). Your fame will spread rapidly.

You have likely heard the cliché that there are only six degrees to anyone in the world. I know it is true for me because I moved countries and met people in my new country that knew my grandmother through going to high school together. You can use your inner circle to create excitement and further it by using the web.

By Bette Daoust, Ph.D.

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