
Speak in Public! Who Me?

The first time I had to speak in front of a group was in Air Force boot camp. I had always been very shy, naive, and backward. During Air Force boot camp I was so impressed by my training instructors, I volunteered to be one!

What had I gotten myself into? I observed the other training instructors, and the big day came. One of the instructors got sick. I jumped in with both feet. Yes, I was terrified, shaking in my shoes, but I just kept going and followed the lesson plan by the book. You couldn't let the recruits know you were scared, or they would eat you alive.

It wasn't easy trying to motivate the Air Force recruits. They were exhausted, scared, angry, lonely. You try motivating that kind of an audience! Found out I was a natural and loved it! My supervisor thought I was wasting time going to classes to learn how to teach.

To me there is nothing more thrilling and satisfying than to see the light in their eyes, to see them smiling, learning, questioning. I learned the lesson plans (15 different subjects), and was able to get away from the lectern and connect with my audience. It was what I was born to do.

I excelled, became a Master Training Instructor, and started training the trainers. The oddest thing happened. My Training Instructor from boot camp came back into the program and I got to train her!

Teaching five classes a day, I taught five days a week. In five years I taught over 500,000 students. I still run into recruits I taught!

When I left the Air Force, I didn't want to lose the skills I had learned. It was then I joined Toastmasters International and stayed for 15 years.

I started getting paid speaking engagements. Now I love to teach/train where ever and when ever I can.

If I can do it, so can you. With 20 years of experience under my belt, I put together a very special report for you; "Public Speaking Made Easy". There are four simple steps, and great solutions on dealing with the fear of speaking.

By Kathy Thompson

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